
搜索"the right call"找到的小说 (P1)

《The right call》 / 伏地挺身100下 / 耽美


《The right person》 / 春天种下一枚哈士奇 / 同人衍生

AKB48 - wtomo 同人衍生 - 短篇 - 完结 - GL

《The Call of the Wild》 / Jack London / 英文

JACK LONDON WAS born on January12,1876,in san Francisco,California,as John Griffith Chaney.His mother,Flora Wellman,was a teacher and spiritualist,and his father,Willian left them not long after,and Jack took his stepfather''s last name ,London.The family moved to Oakland and ,by the time he was ten...

《PRINCE CASPIAN》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

...ies must struggle to overthrow a usurping king named Miraz and restore the rightful heir to the throne, the young Prince Caspian.

《The Poetry of Langston Hughes》 / 蓝斯顿·休斯 / 英文

...是讲述人们决心征服艰难。在「称为蓝调的歌曲」(Songs Called the Blues,1941)中,休斯形容这类音乐是「深受打击却打不垮的黑人唱腔」;1958年,在爵士及蓝调音乐家(如:查尔斯明格斯Charles Mingus)的伴奏下,休斯将他的诗作录制出...

《灰烬》 / 穆恩十 / 原创小说

灵感来源于歌曲《Put It On ME》
Will break into pieces right in front of you
I will burn down the city and string up the noose
And you'll watch in wonder

《The Poetry of Maya Angelou》 / 玛雅·盎格鲁 / 英文

...man. Being a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, Dr. Angelou continues to travel the world making appearances, spreading her legendary wisdom. A mesmerizing vision of grace, swaying and stirring when she moves, Dr. Angelo...

《John Donne Selected Poems》 / 约翰·多恩 / 英文

..., and mathematics.Obsessed with the idea of death, Donne preached what was called his own funeral sermon, Death's Duel just a few weeks before he died in London on March 31, 1631.

《Walden》 / 亨利·大卫·梭罗 / 英文

... the stay appears to be a year, with expressed seasonal divisions. Thoreau called it an experiment in simple living.Walden is neither a novel nor a true autobiography, but a social critique of the Western World, with each chapter heralding some aspect of humanity that needed to be either renounced o...

《The Joy Luck Club》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

..., play mahjong, and talk. United in shared unspeakable loss and hope, they call themselves the Joy Luck Club. Rather than sink into tragedy, they choose to gather to raise their spirits and money. To despair was to wish back for something already lost. Or to prolong what was already unbearable. Fort...

《野性的呼唤》 / 杰克·伦敦 / 外国

《野性的呼唤引》(The Call of the Wild),又名《荒野的呼唤》以一只狗的经历表现文明世界的狗在主人的逼迫下回到野蛮,写的是狗,也反映人的世界。 热望本已在,蓬勃脱尘埃:沉沉长眠后,野性重归来。 巴克原是米勒法官家的...

《The Bloody chamber And Other Stories》 / 安吉拉·卡特 / 英文

...Perrault, begins with the marriage of a girl to an eccentric, wealthy man. Called away on business, the newlywed husband leaves his wife the keys to every room and cabinet in the house. This keyring includes one key that she must not use: the one to the room at the end of the great gallery. Of cours...

