搜索"the same"找到的小说 (P1)
《膝盖之上(Over the knee)》 / 小春多梦 / 精品
《书生与蛇(小短篇)高H》 / The M / 言情
原创 / 男男 / 古代 / 高H / 正剧 / 高H / 美人受
《被禁锢在食人族部落的小傻子(双性)》 / To the milky way / 耽美
原创 / 男男 / 架空 / 中H / 正剧 / 天真受 / H有
“Watch the sky you know I like a star shining in your eyes.”
— 落日飞车《I know you know I love you》
《斯哈Another》 / 燃烧的乔木 / 同人衍生
Another me in the world.
HP[哈利波特] - 斯哈[西弗勒斯·斯内普/哈利·波特] 同人衍生 - BL
短篇 - 完结 - HE
《三口棺材》(The Three Coffins,英国出版名The Hollow man),于1935年出版。推理小说史上最重要的作品之一,内含经典的密室讲义,被誉为”卡尔三大杰作”之一。“密室之王”约翰·狄克逊·卡尔的最高成就,名列爱德华霍克主选...
《燃烧的法庭》(The Burning Court)于1937年出版。史蒂文斯翻看着稿件中收录的照片,一股凉意倏然袭上心头。数十年前,那个被处决的女子,那个著名的砒霜毒杀者,容貌竟和他妻子一模一样!眉目、身材、仪态,甚至腕上的手...
《海豚兄弟会(NP,轻微bdsm,无cp,各种ntr)》 / bcjam / 耽美
Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power. —Oscar Wilde
《love u the same》 / 冰皮月饼真好吃 / 同人衍生
复联[复仇者联盟] - 虫铁 同人衍生 - 影视同人 - BL
短篇 - 完结
《John Donne Selected Poems》 / 约翰·多恩 / 英文
...15-year-old Elizabeth Drury.Whatever the subject, Donne's poems reveal the same characteristics that typified the work of the metaphysical poets: dazzling wordplay, often explicitly sexual; paradox; subtle argumentation; surprising contrasts; intricate psychological analysis; and striking imagery se...
《A Walk to Remember》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文
...tner for the homecoming dance, and Landon Carter's life would never be the same. Being with Jamie would show him the depths of the human heart and lead him to a decision so stunning it would send him irrevocably on the road to manhood.
... having found their standard in themselves, moralists and educators at the same time, have obtained undying recognition.