
搜索"back to work"找到的小说 (P1)

Come Back, Dr. Caligari》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

Experimentation with the absurd, both in theme and technique, is by no means a totally new development in literature, especially for those readers familiar with the works of Camus, Kafka, Beckett, Genêt, and Robbe-Grillet. Like these writers, Mr. Barthelme satirizes and mimics most of the clichés ...

《爱心树》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 寓言

...nd left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

《Back to Black》 / 阿臻 / 同人衍生

Rey/Ben Solo,现代AU,微悬疑
星球大战 - Reylo 同人衍生 - 强强 - 悬疑 - 短篇
完结 - BG - 影视同人

Come back to me》 / 匿名咸鱼 / 同人衍生

JOJO[JOJO的奇妙冒险] - 布特里 同人衍生 - 动漫同人 - BG
短篇 - 完结

《再续前缘 Come Back to Me》 / 淡霞 / 言情

背景:现代 外国


《The Undomestic Goddess》 / Sophie Kinsella / 外国

...ill her old life ever catch up with her? And if it does...will she want it back? A light-as-Tofutti novel you'll devour. ——Glamour

《Down to the Riptide》 / starsandmoons90 / 同人衍生

...衍生 - 动漫同人 - BL
完结 - 授权翻译 - 短篇

《夜星》 / starsandmoons90 / 同人衍生

...衍生 - 动漫同人 - BL
完结 - 授权翻译 - 短篇
I white-knuckle sparrows
to firework your dark streets.
For you, I would soup myself in sea
& give up flesh to fill your belly.
What I feel for you

《Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats》 / 叶芝 / 英文

...so a master of the traditional verse forms. The impact of modernism on his work can be seen in the increasing abandonment of the more conventionally poetic diction of his early work in favor of the more austere language and more direct approach to his themes that increasingly characterises the poetr...

《Fingersmith》 / 莎拉·沃特斯 / 英文

...l be left to live out her days in a mental hospital. With dreams of paying back the kindness of her adopted family, Sue agrees to the plan. Once in, however, Sue begins to pity her helpless mark and care for Maud Lilly in unexpected ways. . . . But no one and nothing is as it seems in this > Dick...

《PRINCE CASPIAN》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

Prince Caspian finds the four Pevensie siblings pulled back into the land of Narnia, where 1000 years have passed since they left. The children are again enlisted to join the colorful creatures of Narnia, who have been driven into the wild, unfriendly parts of the land. The Pevensies must struggle t...

《Overnight to Many Different Cities》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

...ty-three mothballed ships from the U.S. government.Like a master magician, working with control and illusion, Barthelme breaks all rules. Manipulating language with irony, humor, and imagination, he captures the essence of our disorienting times.Dizzying and enjoyable -- Publishers WeeklyEnticing. ....

