
搜索"Dim。"找到的小说 (P1)

《我的黑帮生涯》 / dim哥 / 杂谈


《杠上十大绝世公子:傲世毒妃》 / Dim。 / 言情

杠上十大绝世公子:傲世毒妃简介 安庆王:“宁纳青楼妾,不娶丑颜妃。”现代特工莫离穿越异世,醒来面对的便是安庆王毫不留情的拒婚!天下的笑柄!不光彩的过去……笑话,这世界上有谁敢笑她莫离?丑颜又如何?花痴...

《Naked&DimLove》 / 寡聚 / 耽美

原创 / 男男 / 现代 / '未设置' / 正剧 / 美攻强受 / 暗黑
俩故事,一个叫Naked Love,一个叫Dim Love。

《The Joy Luck Club》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

...ur Chinese women, recent immigrants to San Francisco, begin meeting to eat dim sum, play mahjong, and talk. United in shared unspeakable loss and hope, they call themselves the Joy Luck Club. Rather than sink into tragedy, they choose to gather to raise their spirits and money. To despair was to wis...

《The Secret Rose》 / 叶芝 / 英文

... pierced Hands and Rood of elder rise In Druid vapour and make the torches dim; Till vain frenzy awoke and he died; and him Who met Fand walking among flaming dew By a grey shore where the wind never blew, And lost the world and Emer for a kiss; And him who drove the gods out of their liss, And till...


